S O L S + O R B I T S
2021- 2023
Seeing is in itself a movement. Vision is the true creative rhythm. Discerning the quality of rhythms is a movement, and the essential quality of painting is representation the movement of vision which functions in objectivising itself toward reality. That is the essential of art, and its greatest profoundness.
Light comes to us by the sensibility. Without visual sensibility there is no light, no movement.
Light in Nature creates the movement of colors.
Movement is produced by the rapport of odd elements, of the contrasts of colors between themselves which constitutes reality.
Let us attempt to see.
The auditory perception is not sufficient for our knowledge of the world; it does not have vastness.
Its movement is successive, it is a sort of mechanism; its law is the time of mechanical clocks which, like them, has no relation with our perception of visual movement in the Universe.
It is comparable to the objects of geometry ....In order that Art attain the limit of sublimity, it must draw upon our harmonic vision: clarity. Clarity will be color, proportion; these proportions are composed of diverse elements, simultaneously involved in an action. This action must be the representative harmony, the synchronous movement (simultaneity) of light which is the only reality.
Mixed Media 2015-2021
CD Series ( Climate Disruption) 2018-2020